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mytabis 연동 설정


mytabis ~.xml  이렇게 기술한 코드 들을 사용하려면

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper 
PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"

<mapper namespace="board">	

	<insert id="add" parameterType="net.hb.crud.BoardDTO">
	   insert into hobby
	   values(hobby_seq.nextVal, #{name}, #{title}, #{content}, #{gender}, #{hobby}, #{img_file_name} )    
	<select id="selectAll" resultType="net.hb.crud.BoardDTO">
	   select rownum rn,  h.* from  hobby h 
	<select id="countAll" resultType="int">
	   select count(*)  from hobby
	<select id="detail" parameterType="int" resultType="net.hb.crud.BoardDTO">
	   select * from  hobby  where hobby_idx = #{data} 
	<delete id="del" parameterType="int">
		delete  from  hobby  where hobby_idx = #{data} 
	<!--  검색및 페이징 동적쿼리문  -->
	<select id="countAllSearch"  parameterType="net.hb.crud.BoardDTO"  resultType="int" >
		select count(*) from hobby  where ${skey} like '%' || #{sval} || '%'  
	<select id="selectAll789" parameterType="net.hb.crud.BoardDTO" resultType="net.hb.crud.BoardDTO">
	   select  * from  (
	     select  rownum rn, h.* ,(select count(*) from hobby_reply r where r.hobby_idx=h.hobby_idx) as rcnt from    
	      (select * from hobby  where ${skey} like '%' ||  #{sval} ||  '%'  ) h 
	   ) where rn  between #{start} and  #{end} 
	<!-- selectAllTis -->
	<select id="selectAllTis" parameterType="net.hb.crud.BoardDTO"  resultType="net.hb.crud.BoardDTO">
	    select * from (
		  select  rownum rn, h.* from hobby h
		) where rn between  #{start}  and  #{end}  
	<select id="selectAllDynamic"  resultType="net.hb.crud.BoardDTO">
		select * from (
		select  rownum as rn, h.* from  (
		select * from hobby 
		<if test="skey != null">
			<if test="skey == 'name'">
				where name like '%' || #{sval} || '%'
			<if test="skey == 'title'">
				where title like '%' || #{sval} || '%'
			<if test="skey == 'content'">
				where content like '%' || #{sval} || '%'
		   order by hobby_idx 
		  ) h
	   ) where rn between #{start} and #{end}

SqlMapConfig.xml 문서에서 설정을 해주어야 한다.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE configuration PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Config 3.0//EN"
	   <typeAlias alias="bdto"  type="net.hb.crud.BoardDTO"/>
	   <typeAlias alias="gdto"  type="net.hb.crud.GuestDTO"/>
		<mapper resource="config/mybatis/guest.xml"/>
		<mapper resource="config/mybatis/board.xml"/>
		<mapper resource="config/mybatis/board_reply.xml"/>
		<mapper resource="config/mybatis/login.xml"/>



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